
Working With A Qui Tam Lawyer

Qui tam laws existed for hundreds of years. It comes from the longer Latin phrase, “qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur,” which translates to “he who sues on our Lord the King’s behalf as well as his own.” Qui Tam laws are rooted in Roman and Anglo-Saxon laws. These laws have become today’s version of the False Claims Act.

What makes these laws so empowering is that they allow ordinary people to file claims on behalf of the government. Today, the false claim act and other laws protect citizens who witness and report fraud on the government.

Healthcare Provider Audits

Receiving an audit request for information from the government could be intimidating and bewildering because each government agency or government contractor addresses health care fraud differently. Some government agencies ask for specific patient files, while others will identify a particular area of risk and conduct a random audit. Some agencies will conduct audits and investigations if there is a suspicion of health care fraud based on billing outliers.

Rosenblat Law will use their experience in criminal and civil healthcare fraud to provide healthcare clients with the clairvoyance necessary to mitigate the potential of criminal exposure while being audited. Mike Rosenblat has been practicing healthcare law for over 20 years in the Chicago area and throughout Illinois and the United States. If you are being investigated or audited, you can contact Rosenblat Law at (224) 331-1611 or by emailing Mike at

Successful defense of healthcare investigations and provider audits often requires building a team, gathering evidence in support of your specific defense, and then challenging the denial of claims based on medical necessity, improper CPT Codes, or fighting an extrapolation. Often an expert opinion is required to support these defenses.

Rosenblat Law represents providers in the following auditing areas:

  • RAC Audits (Recovery Audit Contractors)
  • ZPIC Audits (Zone Program Integrity Contractors)
  • Private payor audits (Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, etc.)
  • Medicaid OIG Audits (Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services/Office of Inspector General)
  • MFCU Audits and Investigations (Medicaid Fraud Control Unit)

Rosenblat Law works with its healthcare provider clients to provide the representation and services the healthcare provider needs. Healthcare counsel is not required by law, but having an experienced healthcare fraud attorney advocating on your behalf can lead to more favorable rulings. Rosenblat law will use its experience, insight, and relationships with the government to defend our clients aggressively and negotiate a favorable resolution if necessary.

Whistleblower Lawsuits and The False Claims Act

Michael Rosenblat has been prosecuting False Claims Act cases for almost 20 years. During his time at the MFCU, he focused on fraud that affected the Medicaid Program. While at the Special Litigation Bureau, he prosecuted whistleblower claims and other violations of the Illinois False Claims Act.

Rosenblat Law can prepare your False Claims Act case to ensure that it is in the best position to succeed and will pursue cases even when the government declines to intervene and take over the case. Rosenblat Law will remain dedicated to your whistleblower claim for as long as the case continues to be legally and factually justified.

Mr. Rosenblat’s firm takes a proactive approach while investigating False Claims Act violations. Using this approach, they can produce complaints and disclosure statements demonstrating the allegations alleged in the False Claims Act qui tam complaint.

Theft Crimes

The consequences for theft crimes vary considerably from first-offense misdemeanors to felony charges. Rosenblat Law has represented clients charged with state or federal financial crimes in Chicago and throughout Illinois.

Our Offices

Northbrook Office
707 Skokie Blvd #600A

Northbrook, IL 60062

Chicago Office
111 W Jackson Blvd #1700a

Chicago, IL 60604

By Appointment Only

Client Reviews

I would like to say Mr. Rosenblat is without a doubt well respected . He took on a difficult case and represented me with honor. I'm forever grateful for what he's done. His due diligence in the matter ensured...


Mike is an incredibly effective attorney. I was pleased with how responsive he was to my needs, even responding to my emails and phone calls on the weekend. He handled my situation professionally and everything...


Attorney Rosenblat was exceedingly competent, diligent and attentive to my sensitive legal matter, which he resolved with aplomb. I am grateful for his professionalism and would highly encourage others to...


Mike is a excellent lawyer I had two cases pending mike got them both dismissed. He knows what he doing and does it well.


In my lifetime I have come across many attorneys and none have compared to the level of professionalism and diligence of Michael Rosenblat. This man literally saved my life and I owe him eternal gratitude for...


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